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Bamber Bridge Jobs

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Companies in Bamber Bridge

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Building Services Research and Information Association (BSRIA)

Bamber Bridge, Lancashire

BSRIA is a consultancy, test, instruments and research organisation providing services in construction, building services and facilities management.

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Summit Foods

Bamber Bridge, Lancashire

We develop and supply an extensive range of Own Label frozen & chilled microwave hand held snacks as well as our unique range of ‘Fresher for Longer’ sandwiches & wraps.

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HB Panelcraft

Bamber Bridge, Lancashire

If you are ever unfortunate enough to get involved in a road traffic accident, give us a call and take advantage of our complimentary accident assistance service.

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Morrow Brothers

Bamber Bridge, Lancashire

World leaders in cask and keg refurbishment

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Bowker Group

Bamber Bridge, Lancashire

The Company was established in 1919 when William Bowker used his war gratuity to buy the first vehicle. He began making local deliveries in East Lancashire earning a reputation for a pioneering spirit and an innovative approach to industry's needs. It wasn't long before he'd assembled one of the largest fleets in the area.

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Sliders UK

Bamber Bridge, Lancashire

Steve Mines, National Sales Director Sliders UK explains how the second time replacements are generating significant new growth opportunities for inline sliding doors in 2016.

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BS Stainless

Bamber Bridge, Lancashire

News archive on Stainless Steel Banding and Wire by BS Stainless