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Tendo Jobs

The Innovation Centre, 1 Evolution Park, Lancashire, BB1 2FD.

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Herefordshire and Ludlow College

Herefordshire and Ludlow College - providers of high quality education and training from foundation studies through to degree level courses, delivered from our campuses at Hereford and Holme Lacy with A-Levels at Ludlow. Principal: Ian Peake

Oswestry, Shropshire.

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Keepmoat Homes

Keepmoat Homes is a leading UK home builder. Search for a new home or find out more about our special offers, including Help to Buy and Easymove

Hemsworth, West Yorkshire. ML2 7UT

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the naked creative

Herefordshire web design and graphic design agency the naked creative specialising in web and graphic design, branding and strategic communication.

Herefordshire. HR1 4NJ

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ABC Print Group

For amazing customer service and affordable brochures, leflets, posters, reports, banners, exhibitions and sales and marketing literature.

Herefordshire. HR4 8DP

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The UK's Best Wedding Site. Explore our wedding ideas, advice articles and wedding photos through our online wedding magazine. Use our wedding planning tools and list of UK wedding suppliers to plan your wedding the easy way.

Worcester, Worcestershire.

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Met Office

Met Office weather forecasts for the UK. World leading weather services for the public.

Devon. EX1 3PB

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Gardenvisit's recommended tours from around the world.

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UK Rural Skills Ltd

UK Rural Skills (UKRS) is a not for profit company and its main purpose is to enrich rural communities by providing an accreditation and certification service through high quality, professionally delivered training, by our friendly, engaging members.

Norfolk. PE33 9AY